
Courting your Inner Voice

By Kim K Gray

What is it that your soul most wants to say? How do you quiet the voices from outside of you and listen to that voice within?

These were questions I asked myself after I realized how much I was holding back from expressing myself. It was easiest to first hear the Nos I wanted to express. All the things I just didn't want to do. I listened to those first and started to experiment with letting them out. And to be honest, saying No has gotten easier in my 40s. Especially after being married and out of the dating game, I started to care less about impressing people or about what other people think, so it feels easier to say No. Of course, totally different story with the people I care about!

I also started journaling and a different voice started to emerge. I began to write poetry and prose that touched a piece of me I was unable to express in other ways. It felt like a wise and powerful part of me that had been hiding. I've done a lot less of that kind of writing of late and I miss it.  I've been trying to connect with ways to create a writing habit that connects back to it. What I do notice is that I'm more connected to that voice when I write in the 3rd person.

I don't think my work with connecting to my inner voice will ever be done. I'm always asking questions of myself and getting curious about my responses, trying to learn more about this piece of myself I kept hidden for so long. It's a kind of courting. We are getting to know each other again and I'm falling back in love with her.

Today I spent some time revisiting my values and beliefs. I notice that while generally the same, they have shifted slightly.  Or perhaps just gained clarity. My values and beliefs give me something to bring me back to who I want to be and how I want to interact with the world. If you've lost touch with your inner voice, values might be a good place to start. Try to disconnect from your analytical brain and just let the ideas flow.  What is important to you? What really bothers you? What bothers you may hint at a value that is opposite that behavior or trait.

This tool of asking yourself questions and letting answers flow I've found helpful for more than just values and beliefs. One question I asked myself a while back was: If I could pass the pen to my heart, what would it write?

No matter your approach, let your thoughts flow. Try not to edit yourself or judge what's coming out.  That can always happen later.  Don't even try to make sense of it, just let it flow. When you are done, go back and read over what you've wrote and see what pops out at you. What themes arise? What desire, passions, inquiries, learnings?

If you desire to court your inner voice, I have 3 spots available to join me on a Journey of Courageous Self Expression. If this calls to you, Book a FREE exploratory call where you can get to know me and we can explore the ways in which you long to express yourself more fully.

Photo by Soonios Pro from Pexels

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